Juliane Schumacher

Date of birth:18 November 1987
Job:freelance copywriter and blogger, web design with WordPress, social media management
Hobbies:cycling, sewing, writing, photography, bouldering


During her bachelor's degree, Juliane discovered cycling for herself, rode her donated low-entry city bike all over Berlin, and soon realized pretty clearly how good cycling was for her. By the time she decided to get another master's degree after 1.5 years in the workforce, cycling was already firmly rooted in her life. The theme of her final collection was bike wear for everyday use: "Radelmädchen. Urban fashion for women with and without bikes."

Juliane Schumacher on her GHOST bike looking backwards

When I started studying fashion design in my hometown Berlin in 2008, I never imagined where it would lead me one day and especially how little I would end up having to do with my studies in my everyday work!


When Juliane's first gravel bike moved in in 2018, she was quickly hooked and her perspective on cycling changed completely once again. She not only rediscovered her home and the Brandenburg forests, but also began to discover and enjoy traveling by bike in a completely new way on multi-day bikepacking tours alone or with friends and at events.

Juliane Schumacher laughing in the forest on her GHOST bike

With the Gravelbike a completely new world opened up to me. Riding through the forest away from busy roads, experiencing new paths and taking the odd trail along the way, without worrying too much about whether my bike would be able to handle it now, has embodied the absolute freedom of cycling for me ever since.


In addition to cycling, Juliane has another hobby: writing. In 2014, her blog radelmaedchen.de went online and has since been dedicated to cycling in all its different facets - from everyday cycling in the big city, to weekend trips, to a multi-week cycling trip through Ireland. Only fashion became less and less dominant.

In 2007 she published her first book, which was entirely dedicated to the topic of urban cycling and, in the year of the 200th bicycle anniversary, drew a lot of attention to her person as well as her blog:

  • Media presence

  • Radio interviews

  • Television appearances

Juliane Schumacher portrait image in the forest in her cycling clothes with helmet


Juliane has never seen cycling as a sport or training. For her, the bicycle has always been a mixture of a means of transportation in everyday life, recreational fun and a way to switch off.

Since she discovered graveling for herself, the bicycle became bit by bit also the professional focus:

  • Tourism cooperations

  • Journalistic texts and articles around the bike

  • Web design and WordPress

  • Podcasts

  • content creation

In 2022, another step in her career awaits her: she will become part of the GHOST family.

Juliane Schumacher leaving the forest on her GHOST bike

Juliane´s Bikes

Road Rage Advanced
to biketo bike
Asket Advanced
to biketo bike

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