For Nicole, training with the boys was the way to go. Harder, further and faster. Fewer breaks and even harder. Her brother describes it as 'maybe even too tough'.

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Nicole started biking at the age of 6 and would always push harder and further. As she trained and progressed in racing, she became junior World Champion XCO in 2014. A result achieved with tremendous work but at huge cost. As she strived to maximize performance, she developed an eating disorder.

GHOST factory rider Nicole Koller sitting
Nicole Koller training on her GHOST LECTOR bike

Nicole Koller on het GHOST bike in the forest

"You focus too much on numbers. You push your body in the training and in the same way you try to become lighter. You keep others away as they might see you have a problem. I had no one to speak to. It is a topic boys do not know, or do not want to speak about themselves. That was the hardest part to me.”

Nicole Koller biking with her brother in the woods
Nicole Koller training with her GHOST bike and her brother

“My parents realized soon I had a big problem. They supported me so much and due to them I could get out of this. It still took me three or four years to get out of this circle." Her family helped her get back on her feet and now she is on her way to achieve that top performance with a healthy body and mind.

The cat of family Koller
Joel, the brother of Nicole

Nico Koller and her parents Christian and Patricia in the kitchen

"I'm really happy to race in a girls' team now. When you can discuss everything openly, it is so much nicer. It feels like a second family when I'm away from home. There's a life after my professional career. I want to be healthy when I'm 60 as well."

Photos: Attention Builders

Video: Lars Veenstra

GHOST rider Nico Koller near the forest
GHOST rider Nico Koller in action

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