Rick Inpijn

Fecha de nacimiento:12 de agosto de 2008
Altura:165 cm
Peso:48 kg
Mentora:Anne Terpstra


Bicicleta de montaña.

Hice mi primera carrera en bicicleta de montaña cuando tenía 7 años. Enseguida supe que era el mejor deporte que había probado y quise seguir practicando ciclismo de montaña. Empecé en el Mountain Bike Club Bar-end de Apeldoorn, a entrenar para desarrollar mi técnica. Ahora tengo la oportunidad de dar el siguiente paso con el Bar-end Ghost Junior Team. Estoy deseando entrenar, desarrollar mis habilidades y competir con mi equipo. Y haremos un gran 2023 juntos como equipo.

Q & A

What is your favorite pre-race food?
Pasta pesto as a pre-race food is the best for me!

What is your best memory on the bike?
The Dutch championships in 2023 where I rode the whole competition for 4 th and 5 th place was my best memory on the bike. It came to a massive sprint, it was the best sprint I have ever had, that feeling was incredible. We nearly came both at exactly the same time over the finish line.

What are your goals for 2025?
I strive to ride top-10 in the 3 nation cup competition. It will be challenging, but I’m sure I am in a good condition to achieve this

How is it to be part of the GHOST Family?
It’s lovely to see how tied everyone is. You feel as a family member. I couldn’t think of any other company that has this warmth in it. That’s why I have chosen to ride for GHOST.


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